Giraffe in Bandigalo National Park. It is uncertain which sub-species of giraffes exist in South Sudan. There is debate whether it could be the Rothchild's, Nubian, or Kordofan sub-species. South Sudan is the intersection of these three sub-species.
All three sub-species are low in total population numbers: Kordofan- 2500, Rothchild's- 670, and Nubian- 250.
At the start of the wet season April, and May, the herds are migrating into Bandigalo National Park from Boma National Park, stay in the park in June, July August, and then start to migrate out in September and October. See the home page of this website for an animated map of the migration movement. The major animals that migrate in and out of the park, are white-eared kob antelope, Tiang antelope, Mongalla gazelle, and Elephant. The animals congregate in this park during the European Summer vacation time, making it an excellent time to see wildlife in South Sudan.
Bandigalo (also known as Bandingilo or Badingilo) National Park has changed size and absorbed Mongalla Game Reserve with changing requirements to preserve a larger area and protect the animals present and the migration. Roughly the park is now 8000 square kilometers (800,000 hectares or 1,976,000 acres) in size.
White-eared Kob. The darker individuals are males, the tan individuals are females. It is estimated that there are 800,000 to 1 million of these animals in the migration between Boma and Bandingalo. They are present in the park in the wet season.
There are additionally Giraffe, Nile Buffalo, Hippo, Zebra, Hyaena, Olive Baboon, Wild Dog, Caracal, Eland, level Hartebeest, Cheetah, and considerable bird life all year.
If you come into the park with us during the wet or rainy season there are days of rain and days of no rain. Road conditions will be muddy, but there will be a lot of animals to view.
Bandigalo National Park headquarters is funded by WCS.