Lowland Tropical Forest of Imatong
The entrance to this reserve is reached by driving 192 kilometers from Juba east to Torit and then driving 60 kilometers south to Katire. Katire is an old British Forestry station built next to a running stream.
The forest has been heavily logged for timber and charcoal since British colonial times, with much of the reserve in secondary growth. Plantations of teak, Australian Eucalyptus, and softwoods have been planted in some areas. In the 1950s it was ruled that there could be no logging above the 1500-meter level (4900 feet), but that is difficult to enforce. The Lotuko, Acholi, and Lango tribes all make use of the reserve that covers 1032 square kilometers (103,200 hectares).
Rainfall in the reserve is the highest in all of South Sudan measuring 2261 mm annually.
The highest peak in all of South Sudan is located within the reserve called Mount Kinyeti at 3187 meters (10,456 feet).12 major streams/small rivers originate out of the reserve which feeds into the Badingalo National Park.
Blue Monkeys are found in the Imatong Forest
A 1984 report listed Bushbuck, Blue Duiker, Colobus Monkey, Blue Monkey, Elephant, Leopard, Nile Buffalo, and Hyeana in the reserve. Today the Elephant and Buffalo are gone. It is estimated that over 500 species of birds use the forest, many migrating between Europe and Kenya. The endangered "Spotted Ground Thrush" is found in the reserve.
Spotted Ground Thrush
Gneiss rock hills within the reserve
The base of Mount Kinyeti, the highest mountain in South Sudan