Bahr El Jebel Safaris does not operate in Southern National Park yet. Fauna & Flora International a non-profit based in the United Kingdom, was supporting the re-creation of the park infrastructure. They had a base of operations just south of the park at Yambio. They were searching the vast park for the possibility of the Northern White Rhino still existing but failed to find evidence that it still existed.
The park is enormous being roughly 7,800 square miles (4,992,000 acres) or 20,194 square kilometers (2,019,400 hectares). The park was created in 1939 when the area was part of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. The River Sue creates the western boundary of the park, which eventually turns into the Bahr el Ghazel as it passes through Wau. The River Ibba flows through the center of the park and the River Gel flows through the eastern part of the park.
In 1949 a Report about the Park listed the following Wildlife-
(To read this interesting report on the park link to 1949)
Nile Buffalo (the dominant mammal in 1949)
Giraffe (a 1981 aerial census located 2,095 Giraffe in the park and near the park - in 2007 an aerial census could not locate any Giraffe)
Giant Eland
Colobus Monkey
Giant Forest Hog
White Rhino (believed extinct, but a search is underway)
Cat-fish (1 meter long)
Lung Fish (Polypterus Bichir)
Eel Fish (Gymnarchus Niloticus)
Marabou stork
In 1949 most of the park was covered by tall grass, often 15 feet high, in the wet season. There are also two types of islands of tropical forests within the grassland called:
- Anogeissus forest, where the bush baby is located.
- Granite koppie with gallery forest, where colobus and Giant Forest Hog are located.
Recently Wild dogs have been reported along the north edge of the park.
Colobus Monkey:
On the road to Wau, after Tonj, during the wet season. Near the northern entrance to the park. Ernest Mukabi photo.
Chameleon found in the park.